I'm logged in, but my training is not listed

If you have logged in to TrainingSpace, but your training is not listed under "My Trainings," there are several items you can check.

Learners with an NY.gov ID

  1. The training for which you are registered has not started yet.
    Check the start date of the training in your training confirmation e-mail. You will see a list of your upcoming trainings listed right below "My Trainings."
  2. In HSLC, the User ID field in your HSLC Personnel profile is missing.
    Please enter (or have your SDC enter) your NY.gov ID in this field. Once this change is made, you will need to logout of TrainingSpace and log back in.
  3. In HSLC, the User ID field is incorrect OR there is a space before the User ID.
    Ask your SDC to confirm that your User ID is entered correctly. Sometimes, there is a space before the User ID in the User ID field. (This may be difficult to detect on a casual glance, but TrainingSpace will not recognize the ID if there is a space present before the ID.)
    Can you see the space before the User ID

If you are having issues with HSLC, or if you have multiple accounts in HSLC, please contact HSLC Support.

Learners with a TS Pass

If you do not have a training listed under "My Trainings," you have not added that course to your trainings. Find the course you would like to take in the catalog and click "Add to Trainings."  That course should now appear in "MyTrainings." If it does not, please email TrainingSpace Help.

Last updated on March 7, 2019