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Module 3: Important Information for Non-Custodial Parents

What happens at court?

non-custodial parent speaking with a court magistrate

When you go to court, the outcome will depend on your cooperation in providing all the necessary information.

  • If you provide the required financial information, then a final support order can be established. An order of support will be effective as of the date the support petition was filed or the date the family was eligible for temporary assistance (TANF), if applicable.
  • If you appear in court without the required financial information, the court may proceed with the available information and issue an order for temporary child support. Without a final order issued, the case may be rescheduled for a future date.
  • The court may also prohibit you from testifying on your own behalf, if you don't provide the required financial information.

If you don't appear in court when the order is established or reviewed, or don't provide accurate financial information, then you could receive an order that is more than you should have to pay.