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Module 3: Important Information for Non-Custodial Parents

Can the past due support I owe be reduced?

non-custodial parent speaking with a caseworker

The only way past due support can be reduced is if you make additional payments to your child support account. Once you have a past due amount, it cannot be changed or forgiven. Therefore, it is important that you do everything possible to ensure that the support order is appropriate based on your income, and you make your payments as scheduled.

Remember, if you don't appear in court when the order is established or reviewed, or don't provide accurate financial information, then you could receive an order that is based on what the court thought you earned. Also, if you fall behind on your payments, the amount past due will continue to grow.

It is your responsibility to ask for modification of your child support order if your financial circumstances worsen through no fault of your own. If you become disabled or unemployed, your child support will not be reduced until you ask a court for a modification.