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Module 3: Important Information for Non-Custodial Parents

What should I do if I move or change jobs?

Animation depicting a non-custodial parent moving away

It's important that you inform CSE if you move or change jobs. This will ensure that your information is current on the child support computer system and you can be notified if there are any changes to your account. At times, CSE will mail notices to you about actions to adjust or enforce your child support order. If you do not update your address information, you may not receive the notices. Also, CSE will be better able to help you if you have questions about your account, or need assistance.

If you do change jobs and there is a gap in your child support being paid by an employer, you are still responsible for paying your child support during the period between jobs.

The failure to notify CSE of your new job or residence is a violation of court order, and may subject you to penalties for a wilful violation.